Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 - A Sense of Progress in the Origin of Species

The earth contains some of the oldest archaeological and human fossil sites known to all humankind in the universe. Extensive fossil remains have been recovered from a series of caves and heritage sites to investigate every Cradle of Humankind. That which gave birth to the various species, including Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, Homo erectus, Homo rhodesiensis, Homo helmei and modern humans -  the Homo sapiens.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The ancestors of geographic Asa and Eribi

In a transferred sense of extreme limits of travel, the northernmost and the southernmost part of the world shows a sameness and a oneness in an identity which is speculative. That becoming or feeling oneself one with the other or being the same or very similar to the other. They choose not to be associated to the term "Asian", "Asiatic" or of "Asa" nor "Arabian", "Arabic" or "Eribi" as it has come to be regarded with disfavour by those to whom it is applied, and they feel entitled to be brought into line with usage in regard to Europeans, Americans, Russians and Australians - not Africans by origin. Yet Asa, the East, is originally a concept of all north western civilizations as Erib, the West, is a concept of the south eastern civilisations. As they do spend much time, effort and money to celebrate the turn of each day in reference to the light, or the lack of light, in their darkness; thus turning to the gleam of "Asa" "to embrace the sunrise", falling in through the eastern skylight. With verses that begin with "try me" as in "asa ji di var" at dawn and when "Erib" comes at the fall of night to the verses that end with "stay with me" as in "haa rae raa(s)(t)" at dusk. Finally for those specifically turning to take the year around, at this time of the year and going to tap the world on the shoulder, they feel afraid because they wish not to say what they have to say, or they have finally realised that they have nothing to say as what they wished to say with words from their very own scriptures turned out to be false. As the fame, reputation, renown, rumour of their being attributed to their story, tale, account and history turning at the point of time origo also turned out to be untrue. Although they do not live as their ancestors, as inhabitants in the geographic Asa or the geographic Eribi, they carry on with the customs as expected of a people belonging to the provinces of Asa and Erib world wide.
We have no religion. We are ethnic heathens.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cloth and Fashion to wrap around one.

Garments just as drawers are pulled on as a chaddar like one whole piece of cloth to cover the body and the head or in part or parts of the body and in a part for the head or merely as a dress only for the body like the long shirts or divided into tops or blouses and skirts or shorts or a kurta like skjorta as a kameez like chemise or like jumpers and pullovers pulled over the head and some do cover the arms as well while drawers like trousers that come in pairs for the two legs to make safe and secure from cold or for to keep instead of spending like salvare that may to save from consequenses of infektion and affection like a salwar as are pantaloons a kind of tights that make to show the skinny or healthy legs and the shorter ones make the applied panties as the tights that may go down from the waist to the hip or to the knees as is the purpose of the katcha to hold on to something or hide a catch worth keeping for it be rare or to save something from someone wishing to sieze and capture it and to hold on to it with or without socks or short or long stockings.