Monday, January 3, 2022

Entrust the VVV ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug for vindication.

The state of being known or of interest to people in general, especially through the media, are the pressures of being constantly in the public eye. 

The primordial foundation of this nation, with the temple grounds of the indigenous peoples, has been suppressed with a malignant growth of the church and a monarchy and after a thousand years, they have significantly developed into the secondary stages of a metastasis of a cancer eradicating the indigenous people. To do their work, the monarchy and the church has to rely on a migration of people that have to be uprooted in other parts of the world, to become the next generations of a pseudo extinction process, for the next thousand years of war according to the christian church. The primary stages of a malignant growth and obviously the money launderers are the secondary stage of the metastasis to benefit the bankers. Hinduism is as such a way of life established in the caste system, with more than two stages of developed malignant growth. In other words, it becomes inherent from a generation to another. It is not without reason, a malignant growth of cell tissues is mentioned with a prefix ‘meta’ before ‘stasis’, since stasis is a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium, in what is considered and referred, to be normal. The purpose of metalanguages is to create a meta stage for followers. For my Presidential campaign though, I do not want followers. Because everyone should have a mind of one’s own to develop one’s learnings individually, with conversation founded on spontaneity and creativity for the sake of originality in a process defined as democracy. The community of scientists, in a republic of learning, takes you there with the path entrusted by the ULHC PHERO KSP formula, opposed to religion, which is not more than a meta-state of universal deception, illusion and fraud. 

A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimised and targeted political messages on people, a decision as to voice, vote and vest in, should not be compromised by money. And since internet advertising is incredibly powerful and incredibly effective for commercial advertisers, power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence, which will affect the lives of millions. 

The habit and principle of being independent and self-reliant, in social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control, benefits anyone who is self-centred in ones feelings and conduct. Every citizen should have the right to voice, vote and vest in a democracy and stand as a candidate in elections under the same conditions as any other citizen of a State. The one who has the right to vote, voice for and vest in a democracy, is therefore eligible to candidate. 

In the circumstances, the intention of the minds temple, to house all the male on one half and all the female on the other, is to establish a fairness of the primitive mind in thought in the order to put the naked truth to bed and confide in common sense. 

Thereof, on the True Path of all Nature, a temple of Natures Grant(h), will provide food and water, shelter and education to all the living , despite race, nationality, rank, religion, creed, etc, etc, day and night. By assuring all the fairness of a primeval brain, it seems that the primitive mind has no reason to trick or dupe an organism, into a false story.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

A little ambiguity here and there, really does not hurt. Just so you know, how public this is.

However, it is difficult to say how much the influencers can add serious credibility to a brand of viruses. An influencer is a person or a thing that influences others. In our time, a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. An artist may be a champion of the arts, but not necessarily also a huge influencer of taste. If the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone else or something else, or the effect itself, is predictable, it is measurable. The politicians have the power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth. And then there are:the organisations that form to lobby for certain concerns to influence the politicians. If a group of people are not seeking to influence legislators on a particular issue, before the law is passed, they could be seeking to influence the court and magistrates or the police investigation, to rule in favour of a side in a conflict of interest. 

Lobbying could be legally bribing or influence peddling. The needs for lobbying get stronger when promoting risky ideas. In either way it is the practice of using one’s influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Activists, involved in activism have to make an effort to promote, impede, direct or intervene in social, political economic or environmental issues with the desire to make changes in society towards a perceived good. ‘Perceived good’ by an activist is a matter of taste. They are simply, also influencers and lobbyists, with the capacity of being militant to protest with the support of many. In their own way, they are all of a kind with the sole purpose of entering a system to infiltrate. In the medical vocabulary, ‘infiltration’ is the diffusion or an accumulation in a tissue or cells, of foreign substances, in amounts excess of the normal. The material collected in those tissues or cells is called an ‘infiltrate’. As part of a disease process, infiltration is sometimes used to define the invasion of cancer cells into the underlying matrix or the blood vessels. An example of ‘entry-ism’, is the infiltration of a self-proclaimed human rights activist, into an institution committed to neoliberalism, a market fundamentalism that has been credited with eroding health systems in dozens of low and middle-income countries.

As examples of gender and HBTQ issues: ‘alternative, yet complementary, strategies of ‘entry-ism', with attempts to enter and transform these institutions’, to bring focus on gender inequalities from within as christian missionaries will do among a hedonistic people. Entry-ism or infiltration is a political strategy in which an organisation or the state encourages its members, or supporters, to join another organisation, usually larger, in an attempt to expand influence and expand their ideas and their program. If the organisation being ‘entered’ is hostile to entry-ism, the entry-ists may engage in a degree of subterfuge and subversion to hide the fact that they are an organisation, in their own right. Such political groups that work within a larger organisation but also maintain a ‘public face’ often reject the term ‘entry-ism’ but are sometimes still considered to be entry-ists by the larger organisation. In these types of entry-ism, activists engage in a long-term perspective in which they work within an organisation for decades in the hope of gaining influence and a degree of power and perhaps even control of the larger organisation. As in ‘deep entry-ism’ referring to the long duration of infiltration. In entry-ism, of a special type, the entry-ists will obviously, not openly argue for setting up an independent party. 

In a country with a monarchy and a state church it is not easy to enter the representative democratic system, without being approved of the establishment. The minorities are encouraged and advised to join the mass parties in some countries. To be a part of a system in a representative democracy, entry-ism advocates, that the ‘outsiders’ should dissolve their party and join a section of a church or a workers union and raise their youth movement to dissolve in arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively as a culture. The tactic has been adopted by the church to infiltrate sports organisations to achieve infiltration. And despite some opposition, they have successfully raised the membership of their members in parallel activist groups here and there even for the climate issues. Proponents of such tactic have also advocated that the christian youth should enter the social democratic parties to connect with revolutionary socialist currents within them and then to steer those currents away from socialism and communism towards market economy for a system change. With a foundation in the protestant lead monarchy and the Order of Seraphim, entry-ism into the nations army and defence and police forces becomes selective. However, christian and monarchial entry-ism lasts briefly because the intention is basically to connect and intrude into a foreign indigenous people, in order to establish a class of the bourgeoisie to run the political system. A ‘split perspective’, that is divide and rule, is sometimes employed in which a smaller sectarian group of a Christian free church movement intends to remain in a block or established party for a short period of time, with the intention of splitting the organisation and leaving with more members than it began with and even take over the larger party or the block. The entry-ist tactic can work successfully, in its own terms, over a long period, with a militant tendency to take control and power. Feminism is defined as ‘the doctrine advocating social, political and other rights of women equal to those of men. For them the strategy of splitting groups with conservative patriarchal traditions has been attained with a front line force of a militant group Eight and MeToo movement or with a sectarian group of corporate secretaries that will work only nine to five. Feminists range across a variety of backgrounds, genders, races, ethnic and religions and use a wide variety of media to spread their messages. This media includes, but is not limited to newspaper, literature, radio broadcasts, television, social media, film, and video games. Without media to distribute their ideas, feminism movements would not have been as impactful and could have succumbed to potential setbacks.

With this brief introduction about sapient influencers, activists, entry-ists, infiltrators and infiltration strategies, it is not difficult to establish the effects of a viral influenza, of the magnitude of a pandemic, or with the theme of  star wars to start a system change on a global scale. The important thing is not to give up, but to go on mutating until the host body fails to resist the pressure, the temptation, or some other negative force. Despite rules and restrictions, to administrate quarantines, that are applied in different ways to prevent the spread of an infectious disease. For reasons, some countries prefer to isolate themselves completely from the rest of the world.  Because the best way to isolate sick fish in an ocean is to set up a hospital tank, on a surface of dry land. Or the best way to isolate the healthy fish is to set up a healthy tank, on dry land, when a pandemic stretches over all the oceans, rivers and lakes, as well as the the land between the gaps and the overlying atmosphere, enveloping the whole planet.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Justify the ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug

To make a model is to make a toy, a prototype or the first, original, or a typical form of something. It is because of a notion, an idea of something that can be designed and created, to make a construction that can be fashioned and manufactured. Especially, one that can be put to use for a purpose. Would it not be more practical and economical if the model could be disassembled when it has served its purpose, to be reassembled and ‘recycled’ in form or structure of another model? If I can do it with a model or the prototype, I could also be able to do it with the final product. The smallest biological entities that make up all life on earth are the cells. There are also single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, that consist of a single prokaryotic cell. A big difference between the cell types is that in the eukaryotic cells there is DNA protected inside a cell nucleus. In a similar way the fabrication components, for a non living structure, whether it is a building or a machine, could basically be developed by putting together parts and portions that are a standard, a measure, a norm, or a model in comparative evaluations, for the whole structure to function for a purpose. A building, itself is a non-living complex and so is a mechanical structure, even if it is mobile, with or without, artificial intelligence. A form of life that is living, is basically one that breathes, changes form, reproduces itself and has a lifespan between birth and death. It is composed of an organic matter, manifested in functions like metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli and adaptations to the environment, originating from within the organism. In the state of nature, an organism is an instrument, an implement or even a tool, that functions as a living system and still, it is a single individual entity. Basically, a living thing refers to things that are now, or once were alive. A non-living thing is anything that was never alive at any stage of its transitions, including the different phases of its being a gas, a liquid or a solid. Natures Grant(h) is a major physical force regarded as causing and regulating the phenomena of the world. It is impossible to change the laws of natures Grant(h). On the True Path of Nature, every transition between living and non-living matter takes place in a non-stop continuum spontaneously, which is why it may seem, that natures Grant(h) is planned or calculated. Every transition of matter, whether living or non-living, is the result of a process that increases complexity with an addition of every atom, molecule or compound, evolving the on-going molecular self replication, a self assembly and a self reassembly. The spontaneous generation of things is the supposed production of living organisms from non-living matter, as inferred from apparent appearance of life in some supposedly sterile environments. As far as we know, the Earth still remains, the only place in the universe known to harbour life as specimens of fossil evidence, from the Earth, inform most studies of abiogenesis, the original evolution of life or living organisms from inorganic or inanimate matter of atomic and molecular substances. How the plant and animal life, including humans, will ever be able to survive without fossil fuels, is thereof a state or fact of being impossible.


Did the answers come in 2021?  

Some of them. We have tried everyone’s patience to get an honest answer. If we have the patience to sift through the rubbish, they can also. We have not run out of patience with them. 

I can not make out, though, if the staff trained to take care of the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital, during the pandemic, has had any impact on the virus. Because even if the people are vaccinated, or have become infected without having been vaccinated, immunity is short-lived and soon another virus variant has taken over. A virus does not go about with the intention of deceiving or eluding people, yet the homo sapient species have to revise their plans repeatedly. The homo sapients have to, continuously adapt, modify and update for modern medical practice to meet individual needs, as the viruses and the homo sapients hold urgent meetings to discuss the response to the pandemic. One virus is not the other like and each one of them tends to live its own life to the fullest, despite mankind’s enormous readiness and investment with knowledge and resources to fight it. It may seem that the problem is solved when flock immunity is achieved and the virus has been defeated. At the same time, the virus  has conquered a vast majority of the human population and created enough variants to be able to return, to affect the sapient patients, only and mainly when the immune system is depressed. A virus takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle. Let us hope that each team of doctors and nurses has learned enough and that the pharmaceutical companies have received a reasonable return on their investment. As for politicians, they are probably not so sure of what really happened and if the homo sapients have become wiser or just appear wise. And what could they have done better, or done otherwise, to improve national, regional and the local health care efforts? After all, it is a fundamental excuse to disguise public spending, to have the necessary preparedness to save lives, but also to have taken prophylactic measures to prevent disease and injury. I guess it has been a medicine for everyone involved or a reminder of how to prevent disease and injury, in the first place, and in the simplest way. I suspect that viruses do not go about, on purpose, not to meet the expectations of those affected, or the like. After all, the life of a virus is not very natural and they can only reproduce and develop themselves, with the help of a living host cell with the right DNA and RNA with a cell membrane, through natural selection. Given, that viruses lack the key properties, which are generally considered to be necessary criteria for defining life, such as cell structure, viruses have been described as ‘organisms on the edge of life’, since they have some, but not all such properties. It is probably this characteristic of a virus that makes it so difficult for the human immune system to develop a universal antidote.