Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A transformation that leaves one unchanged.

In the state of oneness, sameness, or simply the state of being the same, an individual determines the identity of ones goodness in the fact of being who or what a person or thing really is. Not necessarily to serve  someone else’s purpose but also the own. Satisfaction derived from one's act of goodness strengthens the ego. It is also for one’s self one feels, acts, and thinks to be satisfied with one's deeds. Doing good deeds is thus the action that is performed intentionally or consciously and a strong sense of oneness is felt with all things.

When Goodness comes with the beneficial and nourishing element 
of food. Eating more dietary fibre is one of the best things you can 
do for your health.
Celebrate the winter solstice with my Old Nordic Wheel Porridge 
- with fruit yogurt, as the days get brighter.
ULHC - PHERO - KSP recipe.
And share it with someone.
For 2 servings
- Fibre rich oatmeal 2 dl
- Water 4.5 dl
- Salt 5 pinches
Mix oatmeal, water and salt in a saucepan.
Boil water and cook on low heat for about 3 minutes with stirring. 
Serve porridge with banana yogurt (Optional fresh fruit and nuts).

Goto -->

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