Saturday, July 24, 2010


Identity (philosophy), also called sameness, is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable
Identity (social science), umbrella term used to describe an individual's comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity
Cultural identity, person's self-affiliation (or categorization by others) as a member of a cultural group
Gender identity, also known as core gender identity, the gender(s) or lack thereof, that a person self-identifies with oneself
Identity formation, the process of the development of the distinct personality of an individual
Identity politics, refers to political arguments that focus upon the self interest and perspectives of self-identified social interest groups or minorities
Law of identity, principle of logic stating that an object is the same as itself
National identity, assumption in membership of a nation
Personal identity (philosophy), refers to the numerical identity of persons through time
Sexual orientation identity, describes how persons identify their own sexuality

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