Saturday, January 2, 2021

Deliver the ULHC PHERO KSP 2021 Bug

A lifestyle of a ULHC PHERO KSP Bug practices the theory, that we live only once for the pursuit of pleasure and sensual self-indulgence. It is in the sense that satisfaction of desires is the highest good and proper aim of human life, and to feel safe and be well taken care of in natures Grant(h), on the True Path of Nature. It is the practice of life, we share with all the living and non-living things that make our circumstances. Ones opinion or treatment of someone or something may vary according to the prevailing circumstances. And given the difficult nature of a situation to cope with, circumstances come to alter cases. This is the crucial stage; it is of great importance, it is decisive as it may be critical, especially in the success or failure of something. In natures Grant(h), it is inevitable that there are No! No! No! failures and Yes! Yes! successes, when you are on the True Path of Nature. The message is, ‘Just Play the Game’. This ongoing mutualism between a scholar and a republic is the foundation for a progressive learning treatment. As such, knowledge is natures Grant(h) to the living. It is limited to the living organisms in space and time. The non living matter is knowledge itself, we just cannot be without. It is by attaining knowledge, we form our lifestyle for the pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence. 

I take pause for thought, to run over the things and the thoughts that have occurred to me, transiently, ‘The value should neither be a gain, nor a loss. Why? Because we come to the world naked and and we leave it naked. A human lifespan is negligible, as the times length that we live, is irrelevant in natures Grant(h), on the course of the True Path of Nature. Most of all, because our presence on the earth is not crucial at all, for the continued being of the earth and all other living things. And because, we simply live on the welfare they create. In other words we are truly parasites which is an expense they can afford. In this context, the earth and all other living and non-living things are a non-profit-making organisation. 

The twenty first century culture affords a higher level of public transparency than ever before, and actually, requires it in many cases. Modern technology and associated culture shifts, have changed how a government works and what information people can gather about each other, and it affects the ability of politicians to stay in office, if they are involved in ‘scandals’. The dictates of transparency enforce a totalitarian system of openness at the expense of other social values such as shame, secrecy, and trust. Due to the digital revolution, people no longer have a high level of control over what is public information, leading to a tension between the values of transparency and privacy. 

Anthropologists have long explored ethnographically the relation between revealed and concealed knowledges, including religions as spirituality, and their practices today. As such they have increasingly taken up the topic in relation to accountability, transparency and conspiracy theories. Normatively, a short phrase may describe the effort to suit one's rhetoric to the widest possible audience, without losing relevant information in the process. Advocates of normative linguistic transparency often argue that linguistic opacity is dangerous to a democracy. These critics point out that jargon is deliberately employed in the puppetry of government and business management, while a monarchy and the church pray silently to uphold their ways of prey to dominate. It encrypts morally suspect information in order to dull reaction to it. For example, the phrase ‘collateral damage’ to refer to the manslaughter of innocents in wars, crusades, pandemics, in order to maintain the reign of the establishment. The approach may sound like common sense, but it faces the difficulty of figuring out how to communicate complex and uncommon sense ideas in a popular way. However, the learning forces of Mathetics, advocate using clearer, common language within the wider scholarly community and the republic as a whole, because a public matter concerns one and all. 

The quality of being noble in character and belonging to the aristocracy appears to have been the root of the idea of an Aryan race in the concept of love, religion and crime, in contrast to the down to earth Sikhsth view which is realistic and practical; with no deceptions, illusions, frauds, nor pretensions.

Since the essence of life is natural and everything else is an accident. The nobility has reached the state or process of rotting or a self decomposition, together with its charms and ornaments,of an attractive or exciting quality to make certain people or things seem appealing. Such artefacts, are merely objects, made by a human being, typically one of a superficial cultural or historical interest and it infects and contaminates, with a desirability of a more laissez-faire type of economy as even the best cars emit a corruptive smell of cautious distrust, in the glamour of working in such show business. Dead wood or any other organic matter, including the human artefacts of a cultural or historical interest, which is not of the essence, can and will be completely decomposed by winds, fires, microorganisms, etc. For it is in the essence of things and the substances, the real physical matter, of which a person or thing consists and of having a tangible, solid presence, gives one or it, the quality of having a solid basis in a reality of facts. And of what is said and done by a person, it is the most important or essential part of something; the real or essential meaning to give the person the quality of being stable and dependable. And all of this, in natures Grant(h), is the state or fact of being required, in the circumstance of being unavoidable, in a situation, enforcing a certain course of action on the True Path of all Nature, by the factors of time, space and cause and effect. An accident is, thus, not a necessity. But its’ occurrence in the life style of some, makes it a possibility. Spirituality and the myths of supernaturals are thus, accidents. Accidents precipitate the property of the absence of certainty in events, and as such having the property of the absence of necessity; the fact of being so without having to be so. ‘Bread and wine’, referring to ‘body and blood', in the essence of things that are right, real and true, is an accident, and therefore, neither a necessity, nor a possibility. Without the properties of logic of necessity and the properties of logic of possibility, an accident of such kind, is merely semantics and as such, it is simply nonsense. Just another infecting and contaminating act, in the glamour of working in the show business.

The year has definitely been a time of test and trial, in search for the Common Sense, and now, we are made naked. For those who have been playing chess, the call is, ‘Check mate’. It is a direct attack, from which an escape is impossible. And now there is no hidden information. Because even the Seraphim is exposed and the musical ‘Chess’ has no where to hide. It is caught in the act. The pawns have had enough and are on the verge of mutiny. The bishops are in doubt and have lost their authority and respect and also the faith. It is revealed, the knights have merely been the underground thugs and pushers and thieves, but now, that their supply lines are cut off, they are definitely put out of business. The walls of the castle, progressively have weakened and the rooks have abandoned the towers and even the Queen is full of anxiety and distrust of the King and the courts staff. If it only was anxieties about the moral decline of today's youth because of their decadent childhood? It is basically about the moral decline of the whole establishment. What have we learnt from a clinical trial when the dead wood and organic matter, of a whole generation of human artefacts, have passed the stage of waiting in the wards and corridors of an artificial laissez faire economy of geriatric care, to be decomposed by earth, wind and fire, after having inhaled the airs infested and contaminated, first by a crown virus and then the opportunistic micro organisms?

The answers will come in 2021.

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